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Feb 1, 20213 min read
Lets face it, we are in a recession and must trust and act on the numbers
It’s’ official, Kenya is in a recession. As the economists debate the KNBS Quarter 3 GDP report, I am left wondering why do statistics...

Jan 25, 20213 min read
Kananu is a pawn in a political game that excludes voters
The game chess is not an exercise in public participation. Neither is the search for elective leaders it would seem with the installation...

Jan 9, 20213 min read
Rising Trumpism and why we must protect democracy
Shocking scenes from the United States Capitol caught all our attention this week. After nine months of television binge watching, we...

Dec 31, 20205 min read
How Covid pandemic brought out the best and worst in Kenyans
2020 will best be remembered for the epic acts of courage that showed up in our homes and neighbourhoods. A human rights round up

Dec 26, 20203 min read
A peoples' vaccine is what the world needs now
From the time of Jesus Christ, life-expectancy has always been an algorithm not an absolute. The threat of a pandemic for the elderly,...

Dec 19, 20203 min read
Social justice is what love looks like in public
Biden/Harris challenge will not be the last kicks of the Trump/Pence administration but how to transform the Divided States of America.

Dec 12, 20203 min read
Our rights, the virus and 2020
Thursday was International Human Rights Day 2020. Human rights defenders globally marked the day by reflecting on how the world can...

Dec 5, 20203 min read
Never be silent in the vicinity of violence
The recent raid on Usikimye safe house and the arrest of Njeri Migwi brings into sharp focus how little we really doing to expand...

Nov 28, 20203 min read
Decisively disrupt drug cartels, treat the addicted
Ramadhan “Rezo” Said was sentenced to prison for possessing cannabis on Tuesday. His sentencing comes weeks before the National Assembly...

Nov 21, 20203 min read
East Africas' democratic deficit must worry us
Having worked closely with Hon. Otiende Amollo, I always take what he says and does very seriously. His advice to BBI oppositionists to...

Nov 18, 20203 min read
Will widening inequalities be the most enduring impact of COVID-19?
At the risk of appearing too pre-occupied with Harambee House, this opinion focuses on a presidential address again. This week’s State of...

Nov 7, 20203 min read
Fight virus but don’t return to rights violations
Listening to the 13th coronavirus presidential address from isolation in England provoked new perspectives this week.
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