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Jan 29, 20233 min read
Death sentence does not help reduce crime, do away with it
A new study offers new possibilities for Kenya’s 656 death row prisoners, prison reform and Kenya’s international credentials as a nation...

Jan 21, 20233 min read
2022 KDHS study tells us more than sex
Social media platforms exploded with this week’s news that Kenyan men have on average 3 times more sexual partners than women. As...

Jan 14, 20233 min read
Our new governors must rethink public health system to serve all
Recent global concerns with a new COVID-19 variant, new county health reforms thinking and the calling off a national health-workers...

Jan 7, 20233 min read
Time to disrupt the normalisation of prejudice and pain in all our spaces
Gay rights activist Edwin Chiloba has been brutally murdered. Our opinions will filter his death as a hate-crime, grim murder or another...

Jan 1, 20233 min read
How did Kenya measure up against the Constitution in 2022?
As the sun set for the last time on 2022, 56 million Kenyans, 47 + 1 governments received their report card. How did the 59-year-old...

Dec 24, 20223 min read
Beyond dust-storm of opinions on police reforms, we must get it right
Incoming Inspector General Japeth Koome whipped up his first dust storm. His and other public comments may indicate the possible...

Dec 17, 20223 min read
Social media giant Meta sued in a Kenyan court, again.
This Wednesday, two Ethiopian men successfully sued Meta Platforms Inc in a Nairobi High Court for failing to moderate malicious content...

Dec 10, 20223 min read
Let's serious with public safety, law and order
Today marks 74 years since the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights was adopted. The enduring lesson for us all is, when one...

Dec 6, 20223 min read
Let's interrupt gender violence and narratives that support it
The world is midway through the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. The recent conviction of Moses Gatama Njoroge provides...

Nov 25, 20223 min read
End the war on Ukraine
A delegation of Ukrainian leaders was in town this week. Listening to their experiences over the last nine months, I wondered whether we...

Nov 20, 20223 min read
CBC task-force must address state of disability rights in schools
With the 49-member Presidential Working Party on Education Reform completing its public consultations this month, it is time to look at...

Nov 12, 20223 min read
What difference could new Police Inspector General Japhet Koome make?
The fourth Police Inspector General of Kenya was sworn yesterday. As Japhet Koome assumes office, what might he find in his in-tray and...
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